Meet the

Archangels are multi-dimensional beings who work on multiple levels simultaneously.
Just as we have multiple ‘energy bodies’, each one addressing different aspects of our human experience, and of a finer and finer resolution, the ‘issue’ we choose an angel to work on will inevitably have multiple layers of healing that we didn’t even know we needed.
Each Archangel has their own mission... or 'job description’.
Read through each Archangel description and notice which one ‘feels right’ at this time. That will be the Archangel stepping up to offer you their help and wisdom… today. Trust your feelings.
Once you’ve selected your Archangel... or Archangels, you can listen to the activations over and over. Each time you access your angels you will receive another level of healing.
As a BONUS you also receive a unique Quantum Healing Sound Code [Sonicodes™ - sound healing thru specialized tuning forks] that embodies the energy of your chosen Archangel. Simply listen to this recording as often as you like to reinforce and boost the power of your Archangel.

Archangel Activation MP3 [listen as often as you like]
Archangel Bio - get to know the gentle power of your chosen Archangel
BONUS MP3 - Quantum Sound Healing Code [Sonicodes™- sound healing thru specialized tuning forks] installation that embodies the energy of your Archangel. Simply listen to this recording as often as you like to reinforce and boost the power of your Archangel.
BONUS MP3- Quantum Numeric Healing Code [Guided Installation] that embodies the energy of your Archangel. Simply listen to this recording as often as you like to reinforce and boost the power of your Archangel.
PLUS... BONUS - Energy Training Module... teaches you the tools to begin or expand upon your Intuitive journey, and get you in sync with the Archangels.
PLUS... BONUS - ARCHANGEL SANDALPHON Package with each purchase

Holiday Special
Only $27 per Archangel
Or $79 per Collection
>> Pricing good thru January 11, 2019 <<

Clears Communication between Heaven & Earth
Helps determine gender of an incoming child
Assists with creativity for musicians
Archangel Sandalphon was the first Archangel to approach me for this project, with a reminder that "Ask, and you Shall Receive". He said that all too many of us ask, ask ,ask... but are so busy 'asking' that we fail to recognize the 'receiving' part of the equation. This leads to frustration and a feeling of not being heard, when in fact WE are the ones failing to HEAR.
This Activation works on clearing our energy channels and personal filters, which then allows us to both ask with clarity, and receive with confidence.
Archangel Sandalphon Activation is being gifted to you. We need clarity in both 'asking' and 'receiving'.
The Healing Angel of our Natural Resources
Ask for her help with your earthly needs.
Ensures the proper treatment of people and animals
Assists in connecting with the Nature Spirit realm... fairies & other elementals
Ariel is a healing angel who works closely with Archangel Raphael, especially when it comes to helping animals and plantlife. Ariel can also help heal wild or domesticated creatures… mammals, fish, reptiles, birds, bugs… the lot.
If you’re interested in connecting with fairies, sprites, brownies, gnomes, or any other elementals, Ariel is here to make the introductions for you. She will be your ‘tour guide’ as you navigate the mystical world of the Nature Spirit Realm.
Ariel can also help you interact with nature comfortably and safely. For example, she’s a wonderful angel to call upon whether you’re out for a leisurely stroll in the park, hiking, camping, or boating.
This activation will remove the blocks to your connection with nature, and assist you in seeing the perfection in all living things.

The Angel of Death… in a good way
Azrael helps with all aspects of loss, death, and transitions.
He is a grief counselor who lovingly guides souls to Heaven after their crossing.
Ask for his help for healing and support if your heart is heavy with grief.
Loss can take many forms, and grief is the normal reaction to any kind of ending. Fortunately, Archangel Azrael is there to catch us whenever we fall.
In addition to the grief-stricken, Archangel Azrael helps those who perform grief counseling. At your request, Azrael can guide your speech as you talk to a bereaved person so that you choose comforting words. Azrael can also help you deliver a beautiful eulogy.
If you’re a professional counselor, then you know how often unhealed grief morphs into emotional and relationship issues, addictions, and other psychological maladies. So it’s a good idea to invite Azrael into your healing practice.
This activation will release the pain and grief from those who have suffered loss.
The All-Seeing Angel
Chamuel sees the connection between everyone and everything, & can see the location of every missing item, and the solutions to every problem.
His mission is the manifestation of universal peace through helping individuals attain inner peace.
Ask for his help to find what you are looking for…. anything you are looking for.
In the 5th-century Chamuel was identified as one of the Seraphim, which is the highest level of the choirs of angels.
He is defined as “he who sees God,” …Chamuel has omniscient vision, and he sees the connection between everyone and everything.
His mission is to bring universal peace to everyone, even when times appear the most bleak.
Chamuel uses his all encompassing vision to ensure that you and others are at peace by helping you find what you’re looking for…. including your life’s purpose; a better job or home; your right relationship; and anything, esoteric or tangible, that you request, as long as it’s in alignment with your higher self’s path.
His all-seeing vision is like a heavenly GPS that can guide you around obstacles… as long as you know how to listen to his guidance.
This activation will remove the blocks to your ‘listening’, and align you with Chamuel’s guidance.

The Angel of Death… in a good way
Azrael helps with all aspects of loss, death, and transitions.
He is a grief counselor who lovingly guides souls to Heaven after their crossing.
Ask for his help for healing and support if your heart is heavy with grief.
Loss can take many forms, and grief is the normal reaction to any kind of ending. Fortunately, Archangel Azrael is there to catch us whenever we fall.
In addition to the grief-stricken, Archangel Azrael helps those who perform grief counseling. At your request, Azrael can guide your speech as you talk to a bereaved person so that you choose comforting words. Azrael can also help you deliver a beautiful eulogy.
If you’re a professional counselor, then you know how often unhealed grief morphs into emotional and relationship issues, addictions, and other psychological maladies. So it’s a good idea to invite Azrael into your healing practice.
This activation will release the pain and grief from those who have suffered loss.

The Supreme Messenger
Gabriel helps earthly messengers such as teachers, counselors, writers, artists, and actors.
He works with Mother Mary in regards to conceptions, adoptions, pregnancies, births, and the raising of children.
Also ask for his help to open the door of opportunity for you to work in your chosen career.
Gabriel is one of two archangels specifically named in the Bible (the other being Michael). His appearance signified the delivery of profound messages.
It is for this reason that Gabriel is the Patron Saint of Communications Workers. He helps all earthly messengers.
Gabriel works closely with Mother Mary to minister to sensitive children, and their teachers and carers. Call on Gabriel for assistance and guidance in this regard.
Gabriel is also a Great Motivator. He acts like a Heavenly Agent and Manager who motivates you to polish your skills, then guides you to doors of opportunity, and gently pushes you thru if you hesitate.
Gabriel’s halo is copper colored, like the angel’s symbolic trumpet. If you see flashes or sparkles of copper light, or if you find yourself suddenly attracted to this metal, this is a sign that you’re working with Archangel Gabriel.
This activation will connect you with Gabriel, and clear your communication channels.
The Angel of Intuition and Clairvoyance
Haniel helps you develop your intuition and clairvoyance
She is also well versed in the all aspects of Feminine Energy and Women’s Issues
Ask for her help to develop your Spiritual Gifts… especially Clairvoyance
Haniel is an equal opportunity Archangel… she assists BOTH women AND men in balancing their feminine aspect as it relates to their present incarnation. We all have BOTH masculine & feminine energy within us. Disruptions can and do occur when these aspects are out of balance. It can result in violent outbursts or the loss of our self-esteem.
Archangel Haniel is a supportive guide for those who wish to develop their spiritual gifts, like clairvoyance. Her bluish white halo color reminds me of the moon, and wearing moonstone can both amplify intuitive transmissions and also help you feel connected to Haniel. It’s very effective to call upon Haniel during the full moon, especially if there’s anything you’d like to release or heal.
Haniel can particularly help with women’s issues.
This activation will connect you to Haniel, help you awaken and trust your inner guidance, and develop your intuition and clairvoyance.

The Angel of Hope
Jeremiel inspires Divine Visions and Life Review
He is a master of positive reflection of all situations
Ask for his help when you need help seeing the BIG picture and the possibilities
Archangel Jeremiel’s specialty is developing an understanding of spiritual visions and clairvoyance. The intention here is to instill hope for the future by allowing you to understand your current life path, and clearly see the possible outcomes of different adjustments you could make.
He inspires Divine visions and ministers to the souls who are set to ascend to Heaven. His work is not limited to those who are ready to pass, or have already passed, but to those of us who with to undergo a present time LIFE REVIEW… He then assists with making adjustments to how you’d like to live.
Archangel Jeremiel helps you take inventory of your actions, and adjust your future plans accordingly.
This activation will connect you to Jeremiel, and clear your understanding to the intuitive impressions you receive.
The Angel of Art & Beauty, and the Patron of Art
Archangel Jophiel wants us to stop and smell the Roses
Jophiel's energy often places positive thoughts into people's minds and helps them develop a habit of positive thinking
Jophiel also aids those who suffer from low self-esteem or who are the victims of other people’s ignorant behavior
Archangel Jophiel watches over artists supporting in creating beautiful art' assists us in slowing down and bringing calm to our lives' and heals negativity and chaos, helping to tame your ego
There's a practical side to Jophiel's presence: understanding information clearly.
In "The Angel Bible: The Definitive Guide to Angel Wisdom," Hazel Raven writes that Jophiel will "help you study and pass exams" and "help you absorb new skills and offer illumination and wisdom to fuel your creativity."
Since Archangel Jophiel leads angels associated with the yellow light ray, people may see a yellow light when Jophiel is nearby.
This activation will connect you to Jophiel, and help you when clearing or working with your Solar Plexus Chakra

The Angel of Sacred Geometry
Metatron is a wonderful teacher of esoteric knowledge
He takes a special interest in highly sensitive young people who are misunderstood or even medicated as a result of their gifts
Ask for his help in focusing and prioritizing, and clearing any type of energetic intrusions
Metatron is one of two archangels whose names don’t end in the -el suffix, which means “of God.” That’s because Metatron and Sandalphon were both human prophets who lived such pious lives that they were rewarded with ascension into the archangel realm.
Archangel Metatron utilizes the Merkabah cube for healing and clearing away lower energies.
As the scribe of God, Metatron, with his sacred geometry, is a teacher of esoteric knowledge.
Archangel Metatron teaches esoteric wisdom to children and adults. He seems to take a special interest in highly sensitive young people who are misunderstood or even medicated because their spiritual gifts make them socially awkward. If you, or your child, need assistance in adjusting to socialization at school, work, or home, Metatron can help.
This activation will turn on and upgrade the sacred geometry in your space to facilitate the clearing away of lower energies, and activate your ability to understand esoteric concepts.
The Angel of Protection
Michael’s primary purpose is slaying the ego and fear
Michael is a record keeper and manager, helping you, and everyone else, know the purpose of your life
Ask for his help when you need spiritual protection, when you need protection for your belongings, or even when you climb into a car
Archangel Michael is probably the most famous of all the archangels. He’s been sainted, churches are named for him, and he features prominently in the Bible and other sacred texts.
Ancient and modern artwork portray Michael as a muscular, athletic archangel with intensely powerful facial expressions and body language.
Usually he’s painted with his sword poised above a pinned-down demon. This is to signify Michael’s primary purpose of slaying the ego and fear. Sacred texts and countless men are named after him.
This activation will heighten your awareness in times when protection for you and your family are warranted, and remind you that Archangel Michael is there when you call.

The Angel of Justice & Harmony
Raquel’s primary purpose is healing arguments or misunderstandings; bringing harmony to situations; attracting wonderful new friends.
Archangel Raguel is primarily discussed in the apocryphal Book of Enoch, and is listed as one of the seven principal archangels.
Ask for his help when you experience confusion or doubt with all aspects of your relationships, including the one with yourself.
Archangel Raguel is considered to be the archangel of orderliness, fairness, harmony, and justice. He also manages the relationships between angels and humans.
In Enoch, Raguel dispensed justice to those who violated God’s will.
As the “friend of God” meaning of his name implies, Raguel is the angel to turn to for harmonious relationships. He brings forgiveness, peace, and calm between people and heals misunderstandings.
He can also help you attract wonderful friends who treat you with respect and integrity. There have been many stories where Raguel helped miraculously heal feuds.
This activation will instill a sense of calm and clarity with regard to ALL of your relationships; personal & professional
The Healing Angel
Archangel Raphael brings God’s healing light to Earth.
Archangel Raphael is known to help Healers on their way to a successful practice
Ask for Raphael’s help… you must give him permission to work with you
Archangel Raphael has long been regarded as the angel of healing. His name may be derived from the Hebrew word Rophe, which means “medicine doctor”; or Rapach, which means “God heals the soul.”
When you ask Raphael to heal a condition, often the cure manifests instantly. The archangel was just waiting for you to give him permission to conduct his healing work.
Sometimes people feel a gentle buzzing energy as Raphael is healing them; or they see green lights. But for others, Raphael’s healing is very subtle.
This activation will comb thru your energetic space to remove energies that are out of sync with your highest good, and reveal the perfection that you are

The Angel of Secrets
Archangel Raziel’s persona is similar to a wise old wizard.
As the Archangel of the Chokmah Raziel presides over the action of turning knowledge into practical wisdom.
Ask for Raziel’s help to assist in healing painful memories and past traumas
Archangel Raziel presides over the action of turning knowledge into practical wisdom. Raziel helps us humans ply our knowledge until it becomes spiritualized and second nature to us. This requires attuning to our higher self, which is the connection to Divine wisdom.
Raziel is believed to be the closest to the Creator, which gives him all the divine secrets of the Universes. He is usually pictured as an older masculine energy. He is calm, kind, and loving. Archangel Raziel’s interaction with one is very subtle. You may not even know he is there.
This activation will open you to the ‘secrets’ of the Universe and all within it.
The Angel of Claircognizance… Clear Knowing
Archangel Uriel is like a wise old uncle
Archangel Uriel whispers correct and appropriate answers into your ear, which you’ll receive as words or thoughts that are suddenly “downloaded” into your mind
Ask for Uriel’s help to illuminate your mind with information, ideas, epiphanies, and insights
Archangel Uriel is known for his/her Wisdom and regarded to be the wisest of the Angels.
He/She is usually shown as holding a light or lantern. This represents knowledge, and that he/she shows us the way out of the darkness into the light.
Archangel Uriel is there to instill knowledge within us. He/She provides practical solutions and creative insight.
Archangel Uriel’s personality is more quiet and reserved. Most of the time, we do not know he/she is even there. When we ask for help, the ideas tend to just “pop” into our heads ~~ the light bulb.
This activation will connect you to the stream of pure consciousness, and clear the blocks to knowing your own Truth.

The Angel of Mercy & Compassion, and Memory
Archangel Zadkiel is a finder of lost things
Archangel Zadkiel is known for helping students remember facts and figures for tests; healing painful memories; remembering your Divine spiritual origin and missions; and choosing forgiveness.
Ask for Zadkiel to work with you on releasing old anger or feelings of victimhood so that you can remember and live your Divine life purpose.
Zadkiel is described as the archangel who inspires forgiveness and compassion in people.
In the Kabbalah, Zadkiel (as Tzadkiel) presides over the fourth, or Chesed, Sephirah on the Tree of Life. The Chesed sphere relates to practicing unconditional kindness and love as a manifestation of God upon Earth.
Archangel Zadkiel’s dual focus upon forgiveness and memory can help you heal emotional pain from your past.
As you ask Zadkiel for emotional healing, he’ll shift your focus away from painful memories and toward the recollection of the beautiful moments of your life.
Archangel Zadkiel is a great healer of the mind, who gently leads you by the hand to take responsibility for your own happiness.
This activation will clear the blocks to your spiritual, emotional, & physical pain, while allowing you to release and refocus on healing and compassion.

Archangel Activation MP3 [listen as often as you like]
Archangel Bio - get to know the gentle power of your chosen Archangel
BONUS MP3 - Quantum Sound Healing Code [Sonicodes™- sound healing thru specialized tuning forks] installation that embodies the energy of your Archangel. Simply listen to this recording as often as you like to reinforce and boost the power of your Archangel.
BONUS MP3- Quantum Numeric Healing Code [Guided Installation] that embodies the energy of your Archangel. Simply listen to this recording as often as you like to reinforce and boost the power of your Archangel.
PLUS... BONUS - Energy Training Module... teaches you the tools to begin or expand upon your Intuitive journey, and get you in sync with the Archangels.
PLUS... BONUS - ARCHANGEL SANDALPHON Package with each purchase